Repetir Conjugation Chart, Spanish Grammar – All you need to know

Spanish, like any other language, is a lovely language to learn. In fact, it is widely used throughout the world. It is, for example, the national language of the Spanish people. Similarly, some Latin American countries, such as Mexico, make extensive use of the Spanish language.

The word ‘repeat’ in Spanish is actually repetir. So, by employing the term repetir in some form or another, this word is employed in a variety of settings. This is referred to as “repetir conjugation.” As a result, other words are combined with the word repetir to make it suitable for use.

However, it is somewhat more flexible in usage than its English counterpart, as it can also mean to have a second helping of food or to imitate an action.

Repetir Conjugation

The repetir conjugation is identical to that of most other -ir verbs, with the exception that when the second syllable is stressed or the verb is in the subjunctive mood, the stem of repet- changes to repit-. The present indicative, imperfect indicative, preterite indicative, future indicates, periphrastic future, conditional, and imperative tenses and moods, as well as the past participle and gerund, are all conjugated below. Continue reading to know more about the Repetir conjugation chart.

Repetir Conjugation Chart Meaning/Definition

Do you recall how you used to copy or imitate whatever the grownups around you did when you were a kid? Do you suppose any tests will need to be retaken this semester? How frequently do you go back for seconds? Even though all of these inquiries have separate core verbs, we only need one in Spanish: repetir (pronounced: reh-peh-TEER). The primary meaning of repetir is ‘to repeat,’ but it may also imply ‘to imitate,’ ‘to retake,’ or ‘to have a second helping,’ as you can see from the questions above. In this article, you’ll learn how to conjugate the present tense of the verb repetir, so you may use it in a variety of situations. Follow Clara and Gabriel’s chats to learn how to properly utilise this verb. Continue reading to know more about the Repetir conjugation chart.

Repetir Conjugation Chart Spanish

The verb repetir in Spanish usually means ‘to repeat.’ However, depending on the situation, it might indicate a variety of things. This article will show you how to conjugate this verb in the present tense and how to use it in a number of situations.

“Do you suppose you’ll have to retake the exam this year?” or “Could you please repeat what you just said to me?”

Sentences like this may have many meanings depending on the context. However, they all signify the same thing.

Despite the fact that each of these questions has its own fundamental verb, we only need one in Spanish: repetir repetir. The word repetir means ‘to repeat,’ but it can also indicate ‘to imitate,’ ‘to reclaim,’ or ‘to have another helping.’ Continue reading to know more about the Repetir conjugation chart.

Repetir Conjugation Chart present tense

Now we’ll show you how to use the repetir phrase in a variety of situations. To begin, consider its use in the simple present tense.

We’ll build a list of all the words that use repetir, as well as all the repetir conjugation terms:

  • Repito
  • Repites
  • Repite
  • Repetimos
  • Repetís
  • repiten

The verbs of the repetir conjugation have distinct meanings.

Also, don’t be concerned. Because we’ll explain what these phrases mean to you.

The word repito,’ for example, means ‘I repeat.’ The word ‘repites’ implies ‘you repeat’ in the same way. Furthermore, the word “respite” literally means “he/she repeats.”

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These repetir verbs, as you can see, signify to repeat in some fashion. They’re merely coming from different perspectives.

The word ‘repetir’ has a variety of meanings. They do, however, have a similar meaning. We’ll concentrate on the various interpretations of the term here.

Repeating- The word “repetir” refers to the act of repeating something. For instance,’say’ or ‘do’ anything once more.

For example, we usually repeat the experiment to ensure that the outcome does not change.

This means “we frequently repeat studies simply in case the result does not change and we are certain of it.”

So, that’s how it goes.

Imitation- this repetir verb can also be used to imitate or resemble a certain person. For example, it is great if you can repeat/imitate whatever you hear or see in movies while learning a language.

You might write this line as: If you repeat what you hear in songs or movies, you will improve your pronunciation.

This verb has the effect of ‘re-doing’ something. For instance,’retaking a test.’

‘No quiero repetir el examen,’ for example, if someone does not want to repeat an exam. Continue reading to know more about the Repetir conjugation chart.

Repetir Conjugation Chart preterite

In fact, the Spanish Preterite tense functions similarly to the past tense. It is, in fact, one of the five forms used to describe acts that have already occurred.

It’s a broad term for accomplished work.

‘Preterite’ is the Spanish word meaning past tense.

‘I repeated paella because it was riquisima,’ for example. That would actually translate as ‘I had a second helping of paella because it was delicious.’

The three groups of Spanish verbs (-ar, -ir, and -er) change (“conjugate”) based on who performed the action and when it occurred.

In Spanish, converting a verb to Preterite is simple. To begin, remove the -ar, -ir, or -er suffixes from regular verbs. To construct the preterite in Spanish, add the proper ending from the chart below.

-ella, usted
– nosotros
-isteis, etc.

The present tense form is equivalent to the nosotros form. Using temporal phrases like ayer, speakers can figure out when something happened (yesterday).

The irregular Preterite tense, on the other hand, can be a little challenging.

The preterite tense can be easily translated from any regular verb. Irregular verb conjugations, on the other hand, are harder to memorise.

Most of the most common irregular preterite verbs, fortunately, have a form. For a few themes, this form now has a new stem and distinct endpoints.

It’s also worth noticing that the ser and ir preterite combinations are identical.

For example,

Use the stem words estar and estuv to write

  • -yo estuve
  • -tu estuviste
  • -el estuvo, etc.

Also, use the stem poder to write:

  • -pud
  • -yo pude, el pudo.

Repetir Conjugation Chart Preterite tense

Now that we’ve learned a little about the past tense in Spanish, we need to know when to utilise it.

It’s actually fairly simple to figure out.

The preterite form, sometimes known as the past tense, is familiar to English speakers. Because the English simple past tense (laugh + -ed = laughed) is very similar. English speakers, on the other hand, should avoid using the preterite excessively. Alternative Spanish past tense forms, such as the imperfect for occurrences, would be more appropriate.

The repetir verb has the same conjugation as most other -ir verbs. There is, however, one exception. The stem of repet- flips to repit- when you accent the second syllable when the action word is in the subjunctive mood.

We’ll make a collection of repetir conjugation verbs here. However, we will concentrate on the preterite tense list.

For instance,

  • Yo repeti- I repeated.
  • Tu repetiste- you repeated
  • Usted / el/ ella repetio- you / he / she repeated
  • Nosotros repetimos- we repeated

So, these are a few simple translations that you may encounter frequently.

Past participles can be used as adjectives or as part of a verb form that begins with haber and denotes an action that has been accomplished.

Repetido, for example, is the past participle of repetir.

There are a few conditional versions of the verb repetir now as well. In English, they truly translate to ‘would.’

Yo repetiría I would repeat
Tú repetirías You would repeat
Usted/él/ella repetiría You/he/she would repeat
Nosotros repetiríamos We would repeat
Vosotros repetiríais You would repeat
Ustedes/ellos/ellas repetirían You/they would repeat.

So, these are the list of some conditional repetir terms. Continue reading to know more about the Repetir conjugation chart.

Repetir Conjugation Chart e to i

In several circumstances, the verb repetir becomes repito or something else after conjugation. There is one thing to keep in mind, though. That is, the ‘e’ is replaced with a I

You’re probably aware that repetir means ‘to repeat.’

We can now give you a verb chart for it. The chart, on the other hand, will become secondary with a little practise.

Several personal pronouns are associated with the repetir conjugations.

Yo repito
Tu repites
El/Ella repite
Nosotros repetimos
Vosotros repetís
Ellos/Ellas repiten

The personal pronouns that go with the repetir conjugation are as follows.

Take a look at these listings. And you’ll be able to employ them correctly in your speech very soon.

The verb repetir has the following conjugations:

  • Present
  • Preterite
  • Future
  • Conditional
  • Imperfect
  • Present progressive
  • Present perfect
  • Past perfect
  • Future perfect

There are also various other ones like:

  • Conditional perfect
  • Past anterior
  • Present subjunctive
  • Imperfect subjunctive
  • Future subjunctive
  • Preterite perfect subjunctive
  • Past perfect subjunctive
  • Future perfect subjunctive
  • Positive imperative
  • Negative imperative.

So, as you can see there are many types of tenses that use the verb repetir.

Repetir Conjugation Chart french

We use the term ‘repetir’ in Spanish to mean ‘to repeat.’ However, the English word ‘repeat’ becomes ‘répèter’ in French.

Of course, this verb can be conjugated in a variety of ways. So we’ll concentrate on a handful of these translations in this list.

As an example,

The present tense for the personal pronoun je (which means ‘I’ in English) is je répète, whereas the present perfect tense is j’ai répété.

In the same way, the past imperfect tense is je répétais, while the future tense is je répèterai.

Now we’ll talk about the personal pronoun ‘tu’ in the similar way (you).

We can use it in the present tense as tu répètes. We can also write it in the present perfect tense as tu as répété.

Similarly, tu repetes is transformed into the past imperfect tense. Finally, the future tense is tu repeteras.

Similarly, the present tense of repetir conjugations for ‘nous’ (we) is nous répétons.

Furthermore, the present perfect tense appears to be repeated.

Nous répétions is the past imperfect tense, and nous apportons is the future tense.

However, if the pronoun is ‘vous’ (you all), the present tense is vous répétez.

The present perfect tense, on the other hand, becomes ‘vous avez répété.’

‘Vous répétez’ is also the past imperfect tense. Finally, the future tense is ‘vous répéterez.’

Finally, the present tense for the pronouns elles (they) is ils/elles répètent.

They/they have repeated in the present perfect tense. The past imperfect tense is they/elles répétent. Finally, they/elles répèteront is the future tense.

Repetir Conjugation Chart quizlet

Of course, if you are an English speaker, you will need to practise foreign languages. Alternatively, if you are already familiar with these languages, it is time to brush up on the fundamentals.

So you’ll need to take a few little tests now and then.

Quizlet and Grammarly are two websites and apps that help you learn a language quickly. They also include brief quizzes from time to time. In fact, they have multiple separate questions on repetir conjugation phrases.

In most cases, a set contains five to six translations for you to figure out right.

For instance, we will solve a modest collection of problems for you.

There are also several brief repetir conjugation quiz sets available for you to practise with. In fact, you have the option of selecting whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner. They’ll also change the difficulty level as needed.

There are also various websites that give you flashcards. So, if you’re just starting out, these might come in handy. So go ahead and take a look at these. After all, learning a new language is never a bad thing.

In fact, we may also include a link to this website.

Repetir Conjugation Chart subjunctive

The word repetir can mean a variety of things:

To rehash- to re Perhaps some sort of exercise.

To retake is a term that is commonly used in the context of an exam.

Seconds usually refers to a second helping of a certain cuisine. A second helping of dessert, for example.

The preterite tense can be used to talk about accomplished actions in the past (past tense). It can be used to show that you repeated a calculation. Or that you got free refills at a restaurant.

To conjugate repetir in the preterite, take the stem (repet-) and add the correct endings. Pay attention to the third person (both singular and plural) since there is a vowel change here – the stem is repit. In fact, we’ve discussed how the ‘e’ becomes a I in this post.

Each personal pronoun requires a different repetir conjugation, just as all other uses. ‘

If the subject pronoun is ‘yo,’ for example, the present subjunctive is repita.’ Furthermore, this means ‘I repeat.’

Use the present subjunctive repitas for the subject pronoun ‘t’ now. However, it means ‘you repeat’ in English.

Repita is then used for the pronoun ‘él/ella usted.’ As a result, he/she repeats themselves.

Additionally, use the word repitáis for the pronoun ‘vosotros / vosotras,’ which means ‘you all repeat.’

Finally, you must use the repitan form for the pronoun ‘ellos/ellas ustedes.’ This, however, implies that they / you will all repeat.

Repetir Conjugation Chart portuguese

The verb repetir is readily changed to repetir in the infinitive in the Portuguese language. In the gerund form, it also turns to repetindo. Also, repetido is the participle form.

The uses in the present tense are as follows:

You keep repeating ele/ela/you keep repeating ele/ela/you keep repeating ele/ela/you keep repeating

We keep repeating ourselves.


However, it is simple to translate to the past tense, past imperfect tense, and so on.

Uses of Repetir Conjugation Chart

Depending on the context, the verb repetir has multiple meanings. Let’s look at how to employ the present tense or infinitive in each situation.

To Repeat

In the meaning of ‘doing’ ‘or saying’ something again, the word ‘repetir’ implies ‘to repeat.’

Clara and Gabriel, one of her best friends, are discussing her classes at school. Chemistry is her favourite subject since they get to practise in the lab. She explains, “Normally, we repeat the experiment to ensure that the outcome does not change.” (‘Normally, we repeat the experiment to ensure that the outcome remains the same.’)

Gabriel is more interested in languages and literature than in science. He has an excellent command of the French language.

I repeat the verbs over and over to memorise the conjugations, but I love learning French. (‘I memorise the conjugations by repeating the verbs over and over, but I enjoy learning French.’)

Clara, on the other hand, is having difficulty with the language.

However, it is quite difficult for me. (‘Well, it’s difficult for me.’) The professor repeats the verbs hundreds of times but does not understand them. (‘The verbs are repeated hundreds of times by the teacher.’)

To Imitate/Mimic

The greatest approach to learn a language, according to Gabriel, is to repeat and imitate whatever you hear:

If you repeat what you hear in songs or movies, you will improve your pronunciation. (‘You may enhance your pronunciation by repeating what you hear in songs or movies.’)

To Retake

Clara is concerned about her upcoming test. She will have to retake the exam in the summer if she fails.

I don’t want to take the exam again. (‘I’m not interested in taking the exam again.’)

FAQs on Repetir Conjugation Chart

How does Repetir conjugate?

This has already been discussed in the article. The stem word repeat must be changed in order to conjugate ‘repetir.’ Of course, the adjustments must be appropriate. In this situation, the stem changes to repit for the third person. As a result, there is a vocalic shift.

Is Repetir a regular verb?

The irregular IR verb repetir meaning “to repeat,” “to retake,” or “to have second helpings” in Spanish. To help you remember, imagine your RED PET HERE REPEATING what you say!

Is Repetir stem-changing?

In the present, repetir is a little off. It signifies that during conjugation, one of the vowels in the stem changes. Except for nosotros/as and vosotros/as, all subject pronouns require the stem repit-.

What are two verbs that have an irregular yo form ending in?

There are two extremely essential verbs that are irregular because the yo form of the verb ends in oy. The two verbs are dar (to give) and estar (to be) (to be).

How do you conjugate in Portuguese?

To conjugate a typical Portuguese verb, you must look at the infinitive form. In fact, all typical verb infinitives finish in -ar, -ir, or –er. Remove these endings to retrieve the verb’s stem. After that, add the ends that correspond to the individual who is completing the work.

How do you change irregular verbs to past tense?

To make a simple past tense or past participle, an irregular verb does not add “-ed” or “-d” to the root word. Regular verbs, on the other hand, generate the simple past tense and past participle by adding “-ed” or “-d.” Regular verbs, on the other hand, do not accomplish this.

How is the preterite used in the conjugation of Repetir?

Repetir’s Preterite We can discuss completed actions in the past using the preterite. It can be used to indicate that you did a workout again or that you had seconds at lunch or dinner. Take the stem (repet-) and add the appropriate terminals to conjugate repetir in the preterite.

How to use the preterite and subjunctive in Spanish?

We’ll look at the Spanish verb “repetir,” which means “to repeat,” “to retake,” or “to have seconds” in this session. Learn how to use the preterite to talk about previous events and the subjunctive to make requests or offer negative directives. Let’s do it again! The Spanish verb repetir is the focus of this lesson (pronounced: reh-peh-TEER).

What does the Spanish word Repetir mean in English?

The Spanish verb repetir has a similar meaning to the English verb “repeat,” which usually means to repeat something.

When to use the imperfect form of repetir?

Repetir’s Imperfect Indicative Form Past events that occurred over an undefined length of time are referred to in the imperfect tense. In English, it’s commonly translated as “used to + verb” or “was + verb + -ing.”

Is Repetir a stem-changing verb?

Simple in the Present

Stem-changing verbs, like all other verbs in Spanish, are conjugated by eliminating the –ar, –er, or –ir ending from an infinitive and replacing it with the proper ending. Examine the e-ie verb empezar (to begin), the e-i verb repetir (to repeat), and the o-ue verb poder (to command) (to be able to).

Is vivir a stem-changing verb?

The letter e in the stem of the third group of stem-changing verbs changes to I in all forms except nosotros and vosotros. Another e: I stem-changing verb is this one. In comparison, vivir is a regular verb.

How does Repetir stem change?

Some Spanish verbs are known as stem-changers because the stem changes in a predictable fashion when conjugated. With the exception of the nosotros and vosotros forms, the letter e in the stem changes to I in one set of stem-changing verbs. This form of stem-changing verb can only be found in -ir verbs.

Does Repetir Conjugation have a stem change?

Verbs with Variable Stems

In the present, there are three types of stem changes: o > ue, e > ie, and e > i. Except for the nosotros and vosotros forms, all other forms modify their stem.

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About the Author: mike